New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue
A National
No Kill German Shepherd Rescue
501c3 Charity
Established 2004
Based in
South Carolina

Giving New Beginnings To Old Friends For Over 20 Years
What Does A Rescue Do?
To understand rescue, first you must understand what we have to work with, and what we work against every single day. Most rescues, including NBSR, are volunteer run and do not get outside funding of any kind. We operate solely on donations from kind people who love animals as much as we do, and don't want to see them die in overcrowded, high kill shelters. Without your donations we can't save their lives!
Some of these high kill shelters use gassing chambers filled with multiple dogs at one time, these dogs are gassed and panic to get out, while other kill shelters heartstick, mass drownings, electrocution, guns, and yes, even baseball bats to "euthanize" the dogs that they are supposed to be "sheltering" from harm. Most people have no idea what a rescuer sees on a daily basis, if they did, they would feel our hearts breaking more and more each day.
Dogs Enter New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue For A Number Of Reasons
Some of our rescue dogs come to us from local shelters, some are in out of state shelters where they are in danger of losing their lives due to overcrowding, the high cost of life-saving medical procedures or because they are deemed ‘un-adoptable’ as a result of behavioral issues. Many shelters will not even put German Shepherds on their adoption floor as they simply don't know the breed. This means, that without rescues saving them, none of these dogs get out alive.
Shelter life is simply too stressful for any companion animal, but especially for German Shepherds and they will deteriorate very quickly, so time is always of the essence.
What We Do To Save Each Shelter Dog
Most dogs picked up by animal control only have 48 hours for their owners to find them, after that they are on "borrowed time", rescues are typically only given to the end of that 2nd day to get them out safely. Owner turn ins are even harder as they are not given ANY TIME AT ALL, they can be put to sleep as soon as they are taken in, so time is always working against them and us. Locally we can get to these dogs quite quickly, but for those dogs further away, we must pay someone to "pull" them and pay a "pull" fee to the shelter, sometimes having to "adopt" them ourselves to save them...they then will have to go into boarding, but to the vet first, as a dog can't be boarded unless they are up to date on all shots and are free of disease and treated for internal parasites and fleas/ticks. We then have to arrange transport to our rescue for the dog(s) that have been in boarding. Sometimes we can get a volunteer transport to help, but more often than not, we must pay a reputable transporter to get the dog(s) to us.
When they arrive at NBSR, we give our new friend a name to begin the healing process from losing their home and being only a number in a high kill shelter. They are then completely vetted, given a health check, spay/neutered, any and all appropriate shots are updated, floats are done and they are wormed accordingly, they are flea/tick treatment, also heartworm tested and if they test positive, we treat them before they leave us......they are also microchipped so that they are never lost and in a dangerous situation again, they will remain microchipped to NBSR for the rest of their lives. We take time to get to know each and every dog that comes to us in need of help. This way we can know what kind of home our dogs need to thrive and be the best that they can be and become a cherished addition to a lucky family.

Four million highly adoptable dogs are killed each year in this country's "shelters." That is 1 dog every 13 seconds. Be a part of the solution...Please Support Rescues
Owner Turn Ins:
There are also some dogs who are surrendered to us by owners who have experienced an unexpected change of circumstances that no longer allow them to care for their pet. We try to help these dogs as often as possible. SHELTER DOGS ARE GIVEN PRIORITY AS THEY ARE IN IMMEDIATE DANGER OF LOSING THEIR LIVES!!
NBSR Sanctuary For "Unadoptable" dogs:
We also have 10 "spots" that are for sanctuary dogs. Some are seniors who were thrown away by their families to make way for a younger dog (yes, we feel the same way that you do about people who do this to any dog for any reason!). Some are dogs who, through no fault of their own, have behavior issues that make them unsuitable for the normal family. We love these dogs and they become a part of our dedicated family of rescuers here....they will be cared for, safeguarded and treasured for the rest of their lives.